Our Guestbook

Listing [1..30] of 219 Guestbook EntriesGo To Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Aug 29, 04Hans LaetzZuma Beach CA
What a trip ... this site takes me back to the Naked Pueblo ... the Stum…
Nov 3, 04Joe CatanzaroYuma
searching google for Nina Joy and came up with this website. I was lucky…
Nov 3, 04Joe CatanzaroYuma
PS...oops that's Tucson...forgive me for the misp
Jun 12, 11sterling markYucson
One reason KW was so successful was it had that we will do as we please…
Jun 18, 15George KleinWoodstock, GA
Lived in Tucson 1980 - 82, remember great station highlighted by Bob Coo…
Oct 6, 16Guy VanderLekWilmington, DE
I worked as an ad sales rep for KWFM from 1983-1985. Won a couple of Tuc…
Jun 20, 05Tamara ThomasWickenburg
I lived in Tucson from 80 to 95.  KWFM was the only thing I listened to.…
Jan 30, 16David GandyWaterford
It was odd that I was thinking back to the times when I lived in the bar…
Nov 8, 04Tim WaltersWasilla, AK
Ahh...Tucson.  I can still remember listening to the great tunes in Sabi…
Jun 16, 04S ReidWashington DC
Where else in 1970 could anyone hear songs like "The Legend of the…
Dec 28, 04Cheri ClarkWarsaw, New York
I was looking for Margie Rye and found your website...  My sister Toni N…
Jan 1, 06Jim HobbyWaldorf, MD
WOW, what a cool find. I was a loyal listener from 72 to 79 when I moved…
Nov 3, 20J. MathewsVirginia Beach
Started listening to K-Dub-Ya in 1970 until we got assigned to a base in…
Jun 5, 18Kerry DrakeValrico
I lived in Tucson from '76-'79 & I remember that the DJ�…
Jan 16, 06Don HolthausUpper St. Clair, PA
I remember sitting in my parent's house late at night watching chan…
Sep 19, 04Bill WheelerUpland, CA
Hi, everyone, 
     I found this site while trying to locate any inform…
Sep 19, 04Bill WheelerUpland, CA
    I still have one of the famous (infamous?) classic KDKB "…
Sep 22, 10Tim WardenTucson, Sonora
Hey everybody!  Looks like Jim Ray is coming to town for a visit and tha…
Feb 24, 11Frank LunaTucson, AZ.
FINALLY ! Some history about one the most influential (and early) Tucson…
Apr 25, 09Timothy GassenTucson, AZ
Thank you so much for the great site and time machine back to the great…
Jun 18, 04Perk ClarkTucson, AZ
Dear Old Real Radio Hounds,

	Imagine my surprise….. KWFM certain…
May 15, 09Ken T.Tucson, AZ
Wow; what a find!

After an evening of reminiscing through this web pa…
Apr 21, 15John W. GeorgeTucson, AZ
Just discovered this site while looking up "Overheard" by Miss…
Feb 17, 05Teresa PetermanTucson, Arizona

I am the "little sister" that Christy Price referred…
Mar 3, 07Jim ZielbauerTucson, Arizona
I got out of the Army in 1969, returned to Tucson and went to work for K…
Jan 1, 11Frederick H AcostaTucson, Arizona
I can remember having an FM converter in my car so as to listen to KWFM…
Feb 9, 05Christy PriceTucson, Arizona
Hello All; what a welcome site to see the call letters KWFM. My little s…
Mar 31, 04Chris RyanTucson Arizona
Wow...what a tribute to a great time in our lives, both as professionals…
Sep 3, 07Lisa Harber MaherTucson again, thank heavens
I ran the Pawnbroker from 1975 to 1980 and have a photo of Bob and Lau C…
Aug 15, 11Tucson BanksTucson
Awesome! :)