1962-03-30 — WINX 1600 AM ( Rockville, Maryland )

Dick Denham

1 Elvis PresleyGood Luck Charm
10 Chubby Checker and Dee Dee SharpSlow Twistin'
9 Al Casey ComboCookin'
8 The CrystalsUptown
7 Neil SedakaKing Of Clowns
6 Don & JuanWhat's Your Name
5 Shelley FabaresJohnny Angel
4 Bobby DarinWhat'd I Say (Part 1)
3 Dee Dee SharpMashed Potato Time
2 Clyde McPhatterLover Please
PH Patti PageMost People Get Married

Taken from a weekly survey of Washington, D.C. area DJs
Published in the (Washington) Evening Star 3/30/1962